IPTimelapse Features

Scroll down to see websites and a list of the many unique and powerful IPTimelapse features.   Did you know IPTimelapse can also be scheduled to read an image from a website or a jpeg image on your file system?  GUI Screenshots and User Guide available on the menu links above.  

For monitoring and timelapse projects we deliver a turnkey “turn it on it and it works” hardware solution to send images with timelapse to your website.  Shipping worldwide.  Contact Mike at info@sebectec.com.

Sites using IPTimelapse


– End-to-end image capture and processing. IPTimelapse can read snapshots:

             – Directly from your IP camera using http or rtsp

             – From a local file as C:somefolderimage.jpg

             – From a webpage as http:somewebsete.comimage.jpg

– IPTimelapse will archive images, make timelapse video using h.264 compression and mp4, FTP upload images and timelapse video.

– Operate multiple cameras and handle different time-zones.  Enter camera lat/long for correct sunrise/sunset on/off times and timelapse production.

– Add local NOAA or Wunderground or OpenWeatherMap weather to your snapshots as they are captured.

– Set capture on/off time using local Sunrise/Sunset with Latitude and Longitude

– Fine-tune image rotation to square horizon (0.1 deg steps)

– IPTimelapse can optionally “capture” jpeg image files as they appear in a watched folder. Thus you don’t need to talk to the IP camera (or any other camera) directly if the camera can send images to a folder. When a new image appears in the folder IPTimelapse will process it. (This option activated under the Help menu)

– Capture at one rate say every 5 seconds and upload at a slower rate say every 2 minutes thereby preserving upload bandwidth while creating an image archive for a smooth timelapse video.

– Launch multiple program instances to control more cameras or timelapse projects

– Can be used as a standalone timelapse software to process a jpeg image sequence

– Add up to 3 watermarks to the image. Set position, scale, and transparency

– Crop images as they are captured

– Crop images when creating timelapse video without affecting original image

– Set jpeg compression of upload image

– Set jpeg compression of archive saved image

– Auto delete archive images older than N days

– Set day of week for image capture

– Thumbnail or thumbnail only upload option

– Image sharpening using “unsharp mask” option

– Encoding features:

– Process images from today only, over a date range, process all images, process from a text file list.

– Process every Nth image to subsample large datasets

– Set a desired playback run time. The software will auto subsample the image set and playback frame rate to produce a video with the set play time.

– Set start and stop time of day for timelapse processing

– Set day of week for timelapse processing

– Set sunrise/sunset for timelapse processing

– Choose one image from each day (say at noon in a year-long image dataset) to create timelapse

– Keep a weeks archive of timelapse video uploads having day of week names.

– Encoding settings for h.264/mp4: Frames/sec, CRF quality, bit rate, Encoding speed

– Starlight option: stack captured images as they are captured in low light to improve s/n

– FTP Options

        – Upload to two separate FTP sites

        – Secure FTP: SFTP, FTPS and FTP

        – Set ports for FTP

– Low bandwidth usage – does not process IP cam stream – only snapshots on a schedule

– Full Function Trial